weallrate statements on each production and weallrate group page, prod us to seek solutions for spirit, education, health, wealth, community and group issues.   Each KNOW US asks us to assess ourselves before we express ourselves about how to solve their problems.

If the KNOW US shoe doesn’t fit, don’t get all defensive.  Move on.  Choose your avatar.  avatars.htmlshapeimage_1_link_0
“we try to solve their problems without facing our own issues so the we-solution is to get to know us better .”
know us
    agree   disagreewesolutions.htmlshapeimage_11_link_0
Sometimes we don’t care to help ourselves, let alone anybody else.  Sometimes we help and make things worse.  Sometimes we help to feel superior,  disrespecting different cultures and thinking we know more than we do.  Sometimes we just don’t know how to help.  It might help if we know us better.   

KNOW US is part of the weallrate critical thinking, solution-seeking arm of WeALL MEDIA.

 home       weallrate       about we      philosophy      know us      good-willersweallmedia.htmlweallrate.htmlaboutwe.htmlphilosophy.htmlgoodwillers.htmlshapeimage_13_link_0shapeimage_13_link_1shapeimage_13_link_2shapeimage_13_link_3shapeimage_13_link_4shapeimage_13_link_5